How To Remove Negative TripAdvisor Reviews

Affordable Reputation Management
3 min readJan 18, 2024


How To Remove Negative TripAdvisor Reviews

Removing negative reviews on TripAdvisor can be a significant challenge for businesses. TripAdvisor is a trusted platform for travelers. The site contains hundreds of millions of consumer reviews. It’s a trusted source for information on hotels, properties, and restaurants. And the reason I say it is trusted is because they have an algorithm that is very good at filtering fake reviews.

However, while reviews are intended to be genuine first-hand experiences, the sheer volume of submissions, makes it impractical for TripAdvisor to fact-check every detail. This leaves room for disgruntled employees, unethical competitors, and unreasonable customers to post damaging reviews, impacting your business’s reputation.

How to Remove Negative TripAdvisor Reviews

To address reviews on TripAdvisor you feel may be fraudulent, it’s essential to understand the platform’s stringent stance on fake content. TripAdvisor clearly states that any attempt to mislead, influence, or impersonate a traveler is considered fraudulent and subject to penalty.

If a review appears to violate these guidelines, you can report it through a registered TripAdvisor account. This can be done by going to the “Manage Your Reviews” page under the “Your Business” link. In the section titled “Concerned About a Review,” you can click “See our guidelines and submit your comments” and then complete the form, providing specific details and evidence indicating the review’s fraudulent nature.

Apart from directly addressing the review on TripAdvisor, it’s also vital to manage how these reviews appear in search engine results. If you’re in the travel niche and you Google your business name + reviews, you’re going to see TripAdvisor on page one. This is a problem if you’re star rating is sub-par.

How To Improve Your TripAdvisor Rating

My recommendation is to put a simple, easy system in place, using email, where you follow up with each and every customer who uses your service.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Email every paying customer and ask them for feedback on their experience.
  2. If the response is good, ask them to kindly provide a review on your TripAdvisor page. Give them the link; make it easy.
  3. If their feedback is bad, then address the situation immediately. If you can solve the issue, you head off bad reviews at the pass, before they land on your profile where everyone can see them.

This simple system can be administered by you or someone in your office. It’s personal, easy, and will help you improve your rating, if you stick to it.


Ultimately, the most effective long-term strategy to mitigate the impact of negative reviews is to cultivate a steady stream of positive feedback from satisfied customers. Encouraging happy customers to share their experiences can significantly enhance a business’s online reputation.

Implementing the system described above will help you increase the number of positive reviews you get, while mitigating damage from negative reviews.

If you find yourself in need of professional help, you can check out the post on our site: How To Delete Negative Trip Advisor Reviews. We can’t remove every single negative review, but we only charge you for the ones we DO get taken down.



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